Workplace Practices to Increase Staff Happiness, Mental Health and Wellbeing

Happy, supported staff are more productive, which can benefit the output of your business. Likewise, happy staff can increase your businesses success. So it goes without saying that workplaces should be doing everything possible to achieve and maintain staff happiness, mental health and wellbeing.

If you want to achieve greater success and hit goals in your business, then here are some workplace practices that will increase the happiness of your staff. 

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

Encourage group health coaching

Health coaches will present health coaching to groups as well as individuals. You can enjoy nutrition plans and fitness tips with your colleagues or alone, depending on your preferences and goal.

As a workplace, consider allowing your staff to enjoy an hour a week of health coaching. Staff can learn how to improve their diet and exercise routine to enhance their physical and mental wellbeing. 

With group coaching, staff may join in due to friends participating. Staff may lack an exercise routine. Yet, by having a buddy to attend the classes with, they can enjoy the benefits of fitness and improve their physical and mental health.

Improve communication

Workplace wellbeing can be easily improved through better communication. Encouraging staff to communicate with one another in the workplace will help resolve issues and improve efficiency. Instead of dealing with work issues alone, staff should collaborate and help each other. By encouraging communication, this can be achieved. 

Furthermore, encouraging staff to talk to you (the boss) about their issues will help them feel more comfortable at work. There is probably a lot that some members of staff want to say to you. Dismissing them and not giving them the time of day can make them feel stressed and worried at work. To avoid these emotions and make staff happier, you should let them know that you are available to discuss issues with. It will improve your connection with them and improve staff morale. 

Show your staff respect 

When you show staff respect, it will go a long way. They will likely feel more confident at work and acknowledge that their efforts do not go unseen.

Make staff aware that you have noticed their hard work by offering rewards and words of recognition. For instance, you could reward them with a shorter day and allow them to enjoy a 4 pm finish. Or, you could always ensure to say “thank you” and “well done” when they have achieved something great for the business. If you lack kind words, it won’t show that you understand their efforts. 

Be fair to your staff

It is important to be fair with staff in the workplace. Fair pay and equal rights will ensure that all staff feel comfortable and respected in the business. 

Likewise, being fair with promotions will ensure that staff are acknowledged for their hard work and determination for the business. Offering staff promotions will ensure that they can climb the career ladder, and this in turn will help promote happiness and contentment. 

Ensuring that your staff are happy at work will promote general wellbeing and help maximise your business’ success.

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