Kathryn Knowles, MD of Cura Financial Services

Kathryn joined the financial protection industry after completing her PhD in Business Management in 2010. Her doctorate focused upon developing bottom-up cultural changes within businesses, to establish an environmental metanorm, working alongside what employees wanted to do and not dictating to them. 

Financial services was not Kathryn’s initial career path, but she wanted to start work as soon as she finished studying, and was offered a job in this sector. She originally started as an Administrative Manager, with focus upon company finances and developing smooth processes between administrators and insurance advisers. In 2012 Kathryn became a Compliance Officer, overseeing the quality of advice recommendations and documentation within the company.

After facing redundancy, Kathryn and her husband set up Cura Financial Services in 2013. They are known as the go-to experts for high-risk protection insurance within our sector, focusing on helping people that have medical conditions and other risks to get insurance. 

Kathryn’s motivation comes from showing people that there are solutions out there for them, regardless of their circumstances. Many years ago, she was offered insurance at special terms because of a history of anxiety issues. She was well and it was a kick in the teeth that the insurer felt that she wasn’t back to “normal”. 

Kathryn’s passion is to fight industry stereotypes of how healthy a person is, just because they have been labelled with an illness. She has anxiety and hypermobility syndrome, she also has her own business, a PhD and has three children. Kathryn says her illnesses do not define her, they empower her to fight.

Cura Financial Services are a professional online broker offering specialist advice on products such as Life Insurance, Critical Illness Cover, Income Protection and Private Medical Insurance. We provide advice to customers with pre-existing health conditions, people who work in hazardous occupations/countries and individuals who partake in hazardous sports/hobbies.

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