Diverse Finance LIVE – On Demand

The sessions from Diverse Finance LIVE, first broadcast on 29th July 2020, are now available on-demand.

Discover practical strategies and case studies to increase diversity and inclusion in the workforce

In the finance sector, many companies have declared their commitment to diversity and inclusion. However, a 2019 survey by PwC showed that organisations are struggling to translate D&I strategies into action and to make a real impact on the employee experience.

The survey found that 80 percent of organisations state D&I is a value or priority area, but 39 percent of respondents still feel diversity is a barrier to career progression. While more than half of the organisations surveyed leverage their D&I programme to attract talent or comply with legal requirements, a much smaller number are leveraging D&I to achieve business results, and they are not using their affinity groups to inform decision-making or to drive business priorities.

Measuring success also appears to be a widespread issue. Less than a third of organisations surveyed are tasking their leaders with specific D&I goals, and even fewer are measuring progress towards achievement of these goals.

Having committed to D&I and published their strategies, finance companies must now focus on implementing them, creating a clear action plan and putting robust measurement mechanisms in place.

By doing so, the sector can ensure that it appeals to the next generation of talent, particularly from underrepresented groups. With a more diverse workforce, supported by a truly inclusive culture, finance companies will benefit from the commercial advantages of a diverse workforce, such as better innovation, customer experiences and staff retention.

Improving diversity is essential for increasing productivity and innovation, which in turn contributes to better business performance and growth.

At Diverse Finance LIVE, discover how to:

  • Enhance business resilience and performance with increased diversity
  • Attract and retain a higher percentage of diverse talent
  • Build an outreach program to encourage young people into the sector
  • Address unconscious bias in the hiring process
  • Increase diversity and inclusion in practice within every element of the employee lifecycle
  • Improve your benefits and policies to make them truly inclusive
  • Instill a mentoring culture within your company

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