New Baby, New Job? How You Can Find A New Job After Maternity Leave?

One thing is for sure, finding that elusive work-life balance can be extremely tricky for new mothers. The pressure to be at one’s best for both family and work simultaneously means that many people naturally choose to rethink their career options.

Before you decide to resign and leave your career altogether, take a look at the helpful resources provided by Working Families to help guide you as to your rights and employers’ responsibilities towards you.

You will also discover that there are many other mothers in a similar position, and portals such as Army of Mums and Working Mums can help to guide you towards a new role which might suit a parenthood lifestyle better. It is not unusual for many women to take a completely different direction, perhaps completing an SMP course. 

However, we also encourage you to look into Lean In, which advocates leaning into your career rather than turning away from it. From a diversity and inclusion perspective, we need as many women as possible in the workplace and seeing more mothers in the workplace will surely encourage diversity and equality change to happen faster.

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Think about the practicalities

Before making any big decisions, you need to make sure you are fully informed. First and foremost, if you do not return to work after taking maternity leave, will you be required to reimburse the additional maternity pay that you received? Every business has its own set of policies. If you are required to repay the money, you may feel as if you have little option but to return. This is not correct. Choices are always available to you, even when they are difficult or have negative financial or other implications. However, you must consider the ramifications of having to repay a sum of money and balance it against your wish to find a new job. You could also talk to your HR department and see if any compromises could be made – some companies are prepared to be flexible. 

Do your research

You may or may not have a clear notion of what you want to do with your work in the future, depending on your situation. You may want to move professions or alter the type of employment you have within your current industry. Many women who have previously worked in physically demanding occupations may be looking for a less demanding option. The point is that only you will determine what is best for you on your individual life’s path. To find out for yourself, you must put in the effort: going online to forums and doing some research, conversing with others who are knowledgeable about the job or sector, investigating new options, and so on. Then take a look within. What do you want to do with your life and your career? 

Be courageous

Even after putting in the effort to find a new career, especially one that you want, you may still be anxious about the future. In our society, there is a perception that change is scary and that a new job is considered a pretty significant change, especially after becoming a parent. Yet it could be exactly what you need. So don’t be afraid to take the plunge; make work work for you, rather than the other way around. There is no absolute answer – find what works best for you.

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